I just got a charge on my credit card. How do I know what that is for?

You may see a charge from Two Chairs if:

  1. You have a deductible, copay, or coinsurance cost for a service you’ve been provided
  2. You missed an appointment or late canceled an appointment without giving your therapist at least 48 hours notice prior, thus incurring a no-show/late cancellation fee

Depending on your insurance plan’s coverage, you may owe a fee for your services. Factors that affect the cost of your service include:

  • Whether your plan has a deductible that needs to be met before your insurance plan covers the services
  • Whether your deductible has been met
  • Whether your insurance plan has a copay or coinsurance

Our Care Coordination team is happy to help you navigate costs and coverage. If you have any questions about a charge, please contact us at support@twochairs.com or by calling 415-202-5159 (9am - 5pm ET/PT, Monday through Friday).. 

To help us support you as efficiently and effectively as possible, please provide us with the following information regarding any charges:

  • The total number of charges
  • The $ dollar amount for each charge
  • The date of transaction for each charge
  • Screenshots of your card’s statement detailing these charges

If we don’t have your insurance information already, please also provide the following:

  • Photo of the front and back of your new insurance card
  • Date that the new plan takes effect (can usually be found in your insurance portal)
  • Your current mailing address
  • Your birthdate
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