How do I know what I owe per appointment?

In-Network Insurance

We’re currently in-network with the following insurance plans:

  • Aetna in California, Florida, and Washington
  • Kaiser Permanente in Northern California and Washington
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield in Florida

We take Medi-Cal and Medicare through Kaiser NorCal, if you have any other Medicare or Medicaid plans please reach out to verify coverage.

Your exact in-network coverage with us will depend on your specific insurance plan. Please note that coverage and costs depend on different factors such as your deductible, copay, coinsurance, and allowed amount. Please read our helpful blog article to understand what these terms mean.

For detailed benefits information, we recommend calling the Member Services number on the back of your insurance card and asking about your in-network benefits for mental health services (both in-person and virtual), and what criteria need to be met to access those benefits (such as a deductible).

Our Care Coordination team can also provide you with an eligibility and benefits check. To get started, submit a request with your full name, date of birth, and a copy of the front and back of your insurance card.


Out-of-Network Insurance

Our out-of-network pricing is available below:

  • Matching Appointment: $260
    One time 45-minute video call with a licensed matching expert
  • Individual Therapy: $226/session*
    Weekly sessions

You will be responsible for the full out-of-network price for each matching appointment or individual therapy appointment. 

Depending on your out-of-network coverage, you may be eligible to have 60-80% of your costs covered by out-of-network benefits. For detailed benefits information, we recommend calling the Member Services number on the back of your insurance card and asking about your out-of-network benefits for mental health services (both in-person and virtual), and what criteria need to be met to access those benefits (such as a deductible).

You can also submit a request to Care Coordination with a copy of the front and back of your insurance card as well as your date of birth for assistance understanding your benefits.

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